Faculty of Archaeology
- 30 candidates per year
- Condition: Candidates must have BacII certificate
- Candidates must pass 60-minute exam about History of temples and Temples in Cambodia
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
- 30 candidates per year
- Condition: Candidates must have BacII certificate
- Candidates must pass 60-minute exam in 3D Drawing using Pencil
Faculty of Choreographic Arts
- Middle School of Fine Arts: 5 Decorative Skill candidates, 5 Graphic Design candidates, 5 Painting candidates, 5 Modern Sculpture candidates.
- General Education School: 10 Decorative Skill candidates, 10 Communication Art candidates, 10 Painting candidates, 10 Modern Sculpture candidates.
- Condition: Candidates must have BacII certificate
- Candidates from General Education School must pass the 60-minute Pencil Drawing exam.
- Candidates from Middle School of Fine Arts (Decoration, Graphic Design, Painting, Fine Arts) are required to undergo the 60-minute Watercolor Painting and Modern Sculptural Pencil Drawing skill exam
Faculty of Music
- 30 candidates per year
- Condition: Candidates must have BacII certificate
- Candidates must pass 30-minute Specialty exam and 90-minute Music Theory exam
Faculty of Visual Arts
- 30 candidates per year
- Candidates must pass 120-minute Writing Short Story exam